This post brought to you by two weeks of insomnia. Hypnophage (base): Feeding form: an indistinct, human-shaped figure with waxy, opalescent skin. Resting form: a hard,opalescent plaque-like film with a waxy finish AC (base +/- HD) HD (varies, starts at 1) Att pseudopod THACO & saves: as fighter The Hypnophage does not want your gold, your flesh, your blood, or your soul. It feeds on your sleep. Or rather, it feeds on your capacity to sleep in the future. It attacks and feeds using pseudopods which emerge from it's chest and stomach. Combat: On a successful attack roll the Hypnophage grapples and immobilizes the target. The target can attempt to escape on it's turn on successful save vs paralysis. If the target is still immobilized on the Hypnophage's next turn, it feeds. Feeding: The Hypnophage deals 1d8 sleep damage to the target and gains the same amount in temporary hit points. Once the Hypnophage's temporary hit points equal it's...