
Showing posts from February, 2019

Beginning of a forest crawl idea

After running Tomb of the Serpent King for my group and messing up the characterization of Xiximander, I decided it'd be fun to have a monster that is friendly, but deadly. Since I love spiders, I'm planning on writing up something similar to the Mirkwood portion of The Hobbit. I think a great NPC/enemy is a giant spider who isn't interested in attacking the PCs because he's just had a massive meal, so instead he just chats. He could even potentially offer gear from other adventurers who he killed. not sure. So, let's start a write-up, just for the hell of it. Grumblewitz, Deposed Prince-Consort Grumblewitz is a massive spider the size of a horse. He lives in the center of a web that spans several trees.  AC 5 HD 6 (28 hp) Att 1 x bite (2d6+poison), THAC0 17, MV 60’ (20’) / 120’(40’) in webs SV  (F5), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 100, NA 1 , TT Unique Non-combat:  Grumblewitz is the deposed consort of the Brood Queen, and if spoken to will happily make leg...

Best way to improve DMing skills?

I've read a lot of articles, blogs, and listened to a lot of podcasts on how to improve your DMing. And honestly, I ended up mentally ingesting it, and not doing any of it. The best way to be a better DM is to DM more often, talk to your players. I am an inexperienced DM, admittedly, but my last two sessions of gaming having improved my skills more than any sessions I have run in the past simply because I relied on improv, and interacted with my players in a transparent fashion.

And now a fun post

Now onto actual gaming stuff. In no particular order, here are some games I like, and probably will talk about at some point. B/X Essentials This is probably my favorite game currently Labyrinth Lord D&D OD&D B/X 3.5 4E Sidenote: of the above, I've only ever played/run 3.5 & 4E, my interest in B/X and OD&D is mostly a matter of historic/academic interest. I don't think I'd actually run any TSR developed games as I think retroclones are better organized. The Black Hack and variants thereof Apocalypse World and variants thereupon Admittedly, I have only played 1 session of Monster of the Week. I honestly have a hard time grokking AW/PbtA games for some reason. Probably some of the silly games by Grant and Chris   Honey Heist Trashkin Jason Statham's big vacation I don't particularly care for, and probably won't talk about these games much FATE GURPS DCC Champions HERO System Really, anything that's a po...

New Blog! And a statement.

I have been considering starting a gaming blog off and on for awhile now, weeks or months, I'm honestly not sure as my perception of time is not the best especially regards something I have only thought about as opposed to done or talked about. For whatever reason, I finally decided to get off my proverbial ass and start a blog. This happened concurrently with a controversy in the community regarding a well-known figure in the OSR blogspace. I think it is prudent to start off by saying a few things regarding that I'm a white person. Until further notice, I'm a white man who is currently considering whether or not he/they may be some variant of agender/non-binary. So, either I'm a white man, or I'm a white person who 'codes' as a white man. I'm still figuring that out. Since I'm married to a woman, I pass as straight. I'm definitely not that, I'm bisexual. It only took me 30 years, but I did figure that part out. The 'white' par...