Beginning of a forest crawl idea
After running Tomb of the Serpent King for my group and messing up the characterization of Xiximander, I decided it'd be fun to have a monster that is friendly, but deadly. Since I love spiders, I'm planning on writing up something similar to the Mirkwood portion of The Hobbit. I think a great NPC/enemy is a giant spider who isn't interested in attacking the PCs because he's just had a massive meal, so instead he just chats. He could even potentially offer gear from other adventurers who he killed. not sure. So, let's start a write-up, just for the hell of it. Grumblewitz, Deposed Prince-Consort Grumblewitz is a massive spider the size of a horse. He lives in the center of a web that spans several trees. AC 5 HD 6 (28 hp) Att 1 x bite (2d6+poison), THAC0 17, MV 60’ (20’) / 120’(40’) in webs SV (F5), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 100, NA 1 , TT Unique Non-combat: Grumblewitz is the deposed consort of the Brood Queen, and if spoken to will happily make leg...