
Showing posts from April, 2019

Schools of Magic

School's done, and I've been putting a lot of energy into another hobby--gardening. I decided I'm going to try doing longer posts, less frequently. I was thinking the other day about the fact that wizards (or witches, and warlocks) are generally portrayed as being educated at schools. Whether it's a high/middle school like Hogwarts, Pratchett's Unseen University, Sabrina's Academy of Unseen Arts, etc. This does bring up a few interesting concepts: Perhaps 'School of Magic' is a literal thing. You could have an Arcanist's Academy, with a College of Conjuration, College of Illusion, College of Enchantment, etc.; all with their own respective Deans and administrative staff. Greek life allegories--wizards are often thought of as frail, old men; but that really only makes sense for professors/faculty. Adding in wizard fraternities and sororities adds in some complex dynamics.  fraternities with rivalries and ensuing pranks Pledges Hazing scandals...